All the porn you want! (Not really)

Note: I noticed that this is the most-viewed in all my blog, thanks to this appearing in Google search results when people search for "Puerto Rican Porn". Sadly to say, there is absolutely no porn on this site, so if that was your reason of coming here, you'll be disappointed. However, if you do enjoy reading about technology, feel free to browse any of my recent posts.

Wow, I really can't believe that this past week, my little ol' blog has been bombarded with tons of spam comments. And this is a blog that barely has any readers at all. I can only imagine the amount of spam the more popular blogs on the Internet. Really, I don't want to know where I can get she-male porn videos, or female ejaculation pictures. I'm not an avid pornographer, and rarely scour the Web for that stuff (note that I said 'rarely' - at least I'm honest). But if I'm feeling a bit freaky, I'll know where to go. It's not like that stuff is totally hidden.

Anyway, I wanted to mention the Akismet Plugin that's currently included in all Wordpress installations by default. After I got the first couple of spam messages, I decided it was time to activate the plugin to see how it works. After a couple of days, the plugin has captured more than 30 spam comments, and none have gone through. Pretty good job, if you ask me.

So, if you have a Wordpress blog, I really advise on activing the plugin. It only takes a few minutes, and you'll be grateful once you stop getting offers for bestiality flicks. If you don't use Wordpress, Akismet makes plugins for more than 20 different platforms, so you can check if your application is supported. It's really a great plugin that should be activated by default on any blog or CMS app.