BarterQuest - THE Trading Site On The Internet!

Well, it's been a lot of hard work over the last couple of months (which can explain my absence on this blog), but myself and the company I'm working for finally launched the Beta version of our site on the Internet! The is BarterQuest, and it's a really great trading site. Okay, so I might be slightly biased, as I spent the last five and a half months working on this. But really, BarterQuest is a trading site like no other I've seen around, which really got me excited to come work here in the first place.

We built some cool features to make the entire trading experience fun and much different from the other sites that have similar functionality:

  • We have a home-grown Matching Engine, which takes all items that users have and want, and generates trading offers for you automatically, so you don't need to be spending time browsing all over the site looking for stuff you want.
  • You not only can trade with one person, you'll also be able to trade with multiple people. For example, User #1 has something User #2 wants, but User #2 doesn't have anything User #1 wants. But don't fret! User #3 has exactly what User #1 wants, and wants what User #2 has. So our system sets up a trade between all three individuals - each user getting what they wanted. Pretty neat, if I say so myself.
  • While we can only trade Goods for the time being, we will soon add trading for Services and Real Estate as well. Have a beach house you won't be using for the month of August? Trade that lost time with someone who offers Home Repair services! This will open new ways of trading like you never imagined before.

This is only the beginning, but I'm real excited for what's to come. You can go visit and register right now! During this Beta Testing period, all trading activity on the site is totally free. Not only that, if you complete a successful trade during the Beta Testing period, you'll be able to use our site free for an entire year! Really, it's a win-win situation, so what are you waiting for?