Check out my other blog -

Note: Unfortunately, due to some lack of time, plus a large amount of spam comments being targeted at that site, I decided to take it down. Hopefully in the near future I'll be able to continue this small side-project.

I recently deployed a small Rails app I built in a weekend, called RubyEveryday. In it, I'm posting one article a day about any Ruby-related news, whether it be current news or some code snippets of work I've done. My goal is to have it updated every single day, so it should be relatively fresh. Go check it out now, and follow the site's updates on Twitter. Oh, and don't forget to follow me on Twitter, too.

Don't worry, I'm not shutting this blog yet. This will continue to be my main writing source for whatever is on my mind in the techology world, so keep an eye out for new stuff coming your way soon.